
I am not one of those people who needs pop. I need coffee, sure, but I don’t need pop. I like pop. I like the carbonation and how it makes your eyes water a little bit when you drink it. However, pop is one of the things I want to cut from my diet when I get pregnant, so I figured I might as well start now. I have always drank a lot of water; so much so, that I list “water” as my favorite non-alcoholic beverage. I also love chocolate milk, fruit/veggie juices, coffee (iced or hot), smoothies/protein shakes, and some teas. I have plenty of options to replace soda in my diet, and all of them will be healthier for me and my future baby. 

I have already cut Mountain Dew from my diet because it contains Brominated Vegetable Oil, which is very bad for humans. But I have yet to cut Coke and Pepsi out, so that’s my next goal. Coke and Pepsi are the only pops I still drink and the carbonation and small amount of caffeine in them are what keep me hooked. I know I can do this, it’s just going to take some willpower on my part. So, here goes nothing!