I officially hate waiting.

If I didn’t hate waiting before this trying to conceive process, I sure hate it now. I feel like I’m constantly waiting. Waiting for my period, waiting for ovulation/pregnancy test results, waiting to hear back from my doctor, waiting, waiting, waiting! I had a blood test yesterday morning at 8:15 am to see if I ovulated this cycle. If the results are negative, I’ll meet with my doctor to discuss starting Clomid. If I did ovulate, I’ll have to wait (shocker!) another week to take a pregnancy test. We have been anxiously awaiting the results since yesterday morning (meanwhile my husband and I may have developed ulcers from worrying) and we’ve heard nothing. I called my doctor’s nurse about 30 minutes ago but she wasn’t available. This waiting game is killing me. I know that I can’t control it and if I didn’t ovulate it’s not the end of the world, but I need to know what’s going on with my body. If I didn’t ovulate again, that’s a good indicator that my ovaries aren’t operating properly and we’ll have to take a new director with our TTC journey (i.e. Clomid). I just want to know what’s happening and why my body isn’t cooperating…

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